Family-NJ-Photography Senior Football

High School Senior Portraits

by | Apr 30, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Avalon High School Senior beach

Avalon High School Senior beach

Family-NJ-Photography Senior Football


High School Senior Portraits don’t have to be so typical.  Sure you want that Graduation Look, the Cap and Gown. You deserve it! But what is with the fake Tux and Black gown..?  Why not make images that reflect who you are . Who you really are. Are you a Skateboarder?, A cheerleader? a football player, in the band, whatever you are, Be you! Grab your surf board and lets go to the beach. Grab your guitar and lets rock some images with it.  Grab your hockey Stick and your baseball bat or your pom poms. Lets show off what you are about right now, today! . So you have these memories to share with your kids and hold on to.  Your kids would love to see who you were when you were their age. Oh dad you rode a skateboard, cool!  Oh Mom you were a cheerleader,  awesome!  This is your time, now. Let us plan some great  images with you. We can make it happen. Contact us to talk about your story and ideas today!

Check out this little vid of some seniors!

Written By MarconiAdmin

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