Crystal Ballroom Radisson Freehold wedding photography

Crystal Ballroom Radisson Freehold

by | May 11, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Crystal Ballroom Radisson Freehold

St. Catherine Spring Lake, NJ



Well they say rain on your wedding day is good luck.  If that is true Bridget and Matthew are going to be one of the luckiest couples!  It poured!!  But they took it with no issues and had no complaints.  The morning started with all the girls prepping at Bridget’s parents house in Brick, NJ.  All the girls waiting anticipating Bridget’s reveal from the bedroom with her dress on.  And Bridget didn’t disappoint, she looked amazing!  After some fun at the house with the bridesmaids it was off to St Catherine, Spring Lake, NJ. Matthew was at the church with his crew and we caught up with them for some photos before the ceremony.  Then the rain came down hard just in time for the girls to come into the church.  But they had escorts with umbrellas and some of them just wrapped themselves up in plastic ponchos!  Which I think made for great images!  Once warm and dry inside we had a beautiful ceremony. A packed church to celebrate this great couple.  But they all wanted to get their party on.  So we made our way over to The Crystal Ballroom Radisson Freehold.  Both sides being Irish I knew this party wouldn’t disappoint.  A great evening on the dance floor and a nice touching tribute to grandma made a wonderful affair.  Here are just a few images of the day.  Cheers Bridget and Matthew!

The Crystal Ballroom Radisson Freehold

St. Catherine Spring Lake, NJ

Written By MarconiAdmin

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